At Godfrey Elementary we work hard on encouraging students to Go For GOLD everyday. We do this by Giving respect to all, Owning our actions, Leading with integrity, and Doing our very best. 

Giving respect to all includes all adults in the building, all classmates, parents, and ourselves. 

Owning our actions means to be responsible for what we do both good and bad. If we make a mistake, we learn from it and try not to repeat that mistake. We also want to own the positive choices we make like getting a good score on a test, helping out a friend, or anything else that makes us our proud of ourself.

Leading with integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is looking and having others watch you and learn from your positive actions. 

Doing your very best is a critical life skill. Whether it's reading, math, or science, a video game, sports, or helping with chores around the house, we always want to do things to the best of our ability.

These are the expectations we teach in the classroom. Each area of the building has a different set of expectations. If students can demonstrate they are exhibiting these expectations, the have gone for GOLD. Students can be rewarded with Golden Tickets which can be used at our school store and for other school celebrations.